Ottawa River Public Access Project | JOIN US!

The Rocher Fendu section of the Ottawa River has been paddled since time immemorial. These waters run through the unceded homelands and unsurrendered traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg and Algonquin Nations. We recognize the Algonquin people as the customary keepers of the Ottawa River watershed and its tributaries.
Today, many of us have the privilege to paddle the river’s waters and walk the land that surrounds it. We are grateful for the opportunities to learn and connect to the land that this river provide us.*

The Project

The goal of the project is to secure public access for recreational paddlers and other recreational groups after the last rapids on the Main and Middle Channels of the Ottawa River, in a manner that is respectful of the land, the river, local municipal requirements, nearby property owners, Whitewater Region businesses, and commercial rafting companies. The project will also provide emergency access to the local paramedic and fire services.

This project will promote the environment, recreation, and tourism in the Township of Whitewater Region and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Tell Us Your Story

Is public access to the whitewater section of the Ottawa River important to you?

We want to hear from you.

Share what these rapids mean to you, how you use the river, paddle its waters, and experience it with family and friends.

Stories will be shared with the Township of Whitewater Region Council at an upcoming meeting*, as well as other stakeholders and funding groups as needed.

* You can leave your comment anonymously. Name and Email Address are not required to “tell us your story”.

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Who We Are

Whitewater Ontario is the Ontario whitewater paddling association, and is made up of volunteers who share their passion for the sport of paddling and Ontario’s rivers. Incorporated in 1977, Whitewater Ontario has been promoting whitewater sports, organizing events, festivals, competitions, training athletes, instructors and whitewater trip leaders for over 50 years. We also manage the Minden Whitewater Preserve, have land use agreements with private property owners so that paddlers can access Ontario’s rivers, and advocate for access and protection of Ontario’s rivers.


We have been working with a growing network of community members, elected officials, kayakers, canoeists, and river advocates to support access to a public take-out spot on the Rocher Fendu section of the Ottawa River for the benefit of all recreational paddlers today as well as future generations.

We are coordinating our efforts with the municipality and private property owners to build a public access point at the bottom of the Rocher Fendu section of the Ottawa River. Our goal is to provide a public access by spring 2022 or spring 2023, at the latest. We currently expect this project to cost between $200,000 to $400,000. To build this public take-out, we are going to require help with fundraising, project management and government advocacy (to obtain permissions and grants).

Do you want to become involved in ensuring long-term, affordable public access to a take out on the Ottawa River? Are you a community member, paddler, family of a paddler, or river advocate?

How to Help

Join us in our quest to secure public access!

We play to YOUR strengths!

Count me in!

Help us know who you are.

How often do you paddle the Ottawa River?

How can I contribute / What are my strengths?


I want to pledge money to this project. *All donations will have tax deductible receipts issued. Contributions may also be made in someone’s name, as a gift or memory. A donation system for this project is under development via National Sport Trust Fund. We will notify when pledge/donation system is ready.

I would like to take out a Whitewater Ontario membership to support ongoing take-out maintenance costs

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The Rocher Fendu section of Ottawa River has provided rich and memorable opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience a connection to beautiful and unique sections of our internationally renowned heritage river.

Help ensure these opportunities and experiences continue now and for future generations.

*This acknowledgement is an important Indigenous protocol. Respect the water and please take the time to honour the river and land where we paddle. It gives us rich experiences and access to beautiful natural spaces.

Our commitment is to gain a deeper understanding about the history of this land, the original inhabitants, be responsible users of the river, and show respect.